Another great day...what can I say? A brief note before I lead a leadership workshop on being "principled." FF is having a great time still, especially with her roommate and best bud here, Rebecca (in this photo). I overheard them playing cards a few seats ahead of me on the bus:
FF: "Arghh....I'm in a pickle again!"
Rebecca: "Arghh, I'm in a pickle too!"
FF: "Vomit!"
A new swear word? Dad, I thought you'd appreciate that one.
ZZ, in the meantime, needs no help breaking out of linear thinking. Here is a conversation I had with her ont the bus yesterday:
ZZ: "Mommy, do you think after we die we go to another life?'
Me: "Yes, I do...What do you think?"
ZZ: "I think so too....hey....maybe when we die, in our next life we live in the olden days and those people in the olden days live now."
I'm loving this time with my girls.....
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